Each year, millions of people experience bites by dogs, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sharing that of those, 1 in 5 people need to seek medical attention for those bites. Nearly half of those dog bites occur to children. Dog bite injuries range from tissue damage and lacerations to amputation and, in some tragic situations, death. If you have suffered an injury, you need a well-qualified Fort Wayne, IN, dog bite lawyer to guide you through the complicated legal process.
Having an experienced dog bite attorney by your side from Blackburn Romey helps you know what your rights are and gives you an aggressive attorney fighting for you. If you suffered a dog bite injury, request a free consultation from our attorneys now.
Not every situation warrants filing a claim or a lawsuit. Yet, dog bite injuries can be serious and may cause long-term repercussions for many people.
The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that about 4.5 million people are bitten each year. Many of those people have a significant enough loss from a dog bite to file a claim for coverage. Insurance companies, typically homeowners insurance or renters insurance, often provide coverage for dog bite claims under a general liability insurance policy. That means that if your neighbor’s dog bites you, their insurance company is likely to cover your losses.
Should you file a claim? It is really dependent on what you’ve suffered. For many people, filing such a claim is critical. Consider a few statistics from the Insurance Information Institute. In a recent year, $1.236 billion in claims were paid out for dog bites and other dog-related injuries from insurance policies in the U.S. The average cost per claim was $64,555. Considering this, it’s clear that people lose serious amounts of money and other losses as a direct result of a dog bite.
One common question is whether or not the owner of the dog is responsible for the losses the dog causes. The short answer is that the dog’s owner should be responsible for the actions of the dog in most situations.
Indiana Code Section 15-20-1-3 covers civil liabilities for dog bites that occur against people who are carrying out government work under federal or state law or under U.S. postal work. While the law doesn’t specifically cover situations in which anyone else suffers a dog bite, it does state that owner of a dog who attacks a person covered by the law without being provoked is liable for any damages sustained, regardless if the dog had never attacked anyone before.
Otherwise, Indiana law holds an owner liable for a dog bite when the owner knew or should have known that the dog breed has dangerous or vicious tendencies. For example, if the owner knew that the dog had previously bit someone, or if the dog belongs to a breed known to be dangerous, the owner may be held liable for the dog bite.
Indiana Code Section 15-20-1-4 also puts in place some rules in which the owner can suffer criminal convictions in relation to the actions of the dog. For example, the dog owner may be convicted in situations where they, in some way, acted recklessly or knowingly allowed the dangerous situation to exist, and it led to the injuries others faced. Also, if the dog is not cared for and escapes and then causes injury, that could lead to a conviction as well.
If a person dies due to dog bite injuries in any situation, the owner might be charged with a felony, depending on the specifics of the case.
If you have been hurt by a dog, including dog bites, significant scratches, or other injuries, your first step is to visit the emergency room for care. Proper care and documentation of your injuries is critical. Be sure to take photos to document what’s occurred and gather the statements and contact information for anyone in the area that saw what occurred. Documenting what’s occurred in as much detail as possible is critical.
There are several steps you should take when you suffer injuries from a dog bite:
The goal is to receive compensation for the losses you’ve suffered. However, that is often far more than just a bill for the emergency room. Many people suffer significantly from dog bites in Indiana and warrant more financial support.
Don’t settle your case without an attorney to provide you with legal guidance and support. Instead, call Blackburn Romey for immediate help. We are the trusted attorneys serving Fort Wayne that you need by your side in difficult cases like this. Request a FREE, confidential consultation now.
Dog bites, scratches, and other injuries are not uncommon, but they can often create long-term implications. Some potential injuries you may have include:
In addition to these physical injuries, many people who experience a dog bite also find themselves facing emotional trauma. It can be a terrifying experience when a dog lunges at you, especially in situations where the dog was not provoked. Even people who love dogs and have their own pets can suffer significant injuries from dog bites from a dog that is unprovoked – and that can lead to long-term emotional damage. Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder from these occurrences.
You’ve suffered a significant loss. Doctor bills are growing. You’re struggling to go back to work. Filing a claim with the insurance company seems simple enough, but it’s critical to know one very important factor about working with insurance companies.
The insurance company’s job is to keep your claim as low as possible. No matter how nice they seem and how much they claim to want to help, they are not working for you or your benefit. If you settle your claim with an insurance company for less than what you’re owed, you could go on to suffer financially for years when someone else was responsible.
For many clients, compensation for a dog bite may include the following:
In addition to this, you may be qualified to receive compensation for pain and suffering. Some people develop chronic pain. Others struggle with PTSD and its impact on their lives. You may be owed compensation for those losses as well.
Our team has combined decades of experience handling all types of injury cases, both with insurance companies and in civil court. We bring all that we know about injury law to the table in each and every case.
We have many satisfied clients who were able to move forward with their lives in a better financial position following a serious accident and injuries. We can discuss our past results with you during your free consultation.
We are dedicated to our clients and communities in Indiana. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and compassionate legal services to injured and grieving individuals. We work hard to obtain the money you need so you can focus on recovery instead of worrying about medical bills, insurance claims, or lawsuits.
To find out, set up a consultation with our attorney. Discuss your case with us openly and confidentially. We can help you gather information about your losses and use other cases to help validate your losses.
When you meet with our attorneys to discuss your dog bite case, we will provide you with a wide range of resources to support your recovery and the compassion you need to secure better outcomes for your future. Here are some of the ways we support our clients.
Insurance adjusters may try to get you to admit fault in your case. They may encourage you to admit you had an injury before your incident. Our goal is to eliminate this risk. To do that, we can talk to and manage the interactions with the insurance company on your behalf.
Our team will work closely with you to better understand what your losses are. We look at the evidence and documentation in your case and then work to determine what fair compensation you may be owed. We can then present that claim to the insurance company and negotiate with them. Ultimately, you will determine if you want to settle for what they offer or move to court.
Our goal is to help you get the compensation owed to you. Sometimes that means going to court to prove your case. Our highly experienced personal injury attorneys know the court system and have a solid reputation for providing exceptional support and legal representation to our clients. That means we will work hard to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your legal case.
Decades of handling truck accident cases in Indiana have equipped Blackburn Romey with the expertise to challenge insurance companies effectively. We start fighting for your compensation from day one, making sure no piece of evidence is overlooked.❞ Act now! Contact Chris Blackburn today, and let us work for you.
Chris Blackburn
A dog bite case can seem like an impossible situation, especially when people don’t understand how much you’ve suffered. Our dog bite attorneys are happy to discuss your case with you through a free, no-obligation consultation. We do not get paid unless you win your case, so there’s no risk to you.
Take the time now to contact us. Call the office of Blackburn Romey to speak to our Fort Wayne, IN, dog bite lawyer. You are not in this process on your own. Our team is dedicated to remaining by your side to fight for your rights. With years of experience, you can depend on us to get the job done.
Blackburn Romey founding partner Tom Blackburn graduated with honors receiving a degree from Indiana University at the Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Initiating his legal career in 1977, he has been active in practicing law and currently serves as a member of the Indiana State Bar Association on the Ethics and Advertising Committees, the American Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, as a board member at the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, and as an appointed member of the Executive Committee for the State of Indiana for the National Trial Lawyers Association.
This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, Tom Blackburn, who has more than 47 years of legal experience, including over 39 years specializing as a personal injury attorney.