How Long After a Car Accident Can Injuries Appear?

Jan 30

Car accidents frequently happen when other people drive carelessly and recklessly. In many situations, car accident victims suffer debilitating injuries. While these injuries sometimes appear right away, at other times, they may not appear until days or weeks after the accident. Additionally, the full extent of an accident victim’s injuries may not become apparent until weeks or months after the car accident happens.

To increase your chances of making a full recovery from your car accident injuries, you must obtain the medical treatment that you need as quickly as possible after your accident. At Blackburn Romey, our legal team could investigate the circumstances of your car crash and help you file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. We could then help you pursue and recover the full monetary damages you deserve for your injuries. In the meantime, you can focus your attention on getting the medical treatment that you need and making a full recovery.

Please call us to learn more about how we could assist you with your legal matter.


Common Car Accident Types and Causes

Indiana car accidents come in all shapes and sizes but typically result from some type of driver error. Some of the most common categories of car accidents in Indiana include:

  • Head-on collisions, where a negligent driver causes the front of their vehicle to strike the front of another vehicle
  • Rear-end collisions, where a driver negligently causes their vehicle to strike the back of another vehicle – or the rear tire of a bicycle or motorcycle
  • Sideswipe accidents, where a driver negligently causes their vehicle to drift into another travel lane, hitting the side of an adjacent vehicle
  • T-bone or broadside accidents, where the front of one vehicle strikes the side of an intersecting vehicle, usually because the at-fault driver fails to yield the right-of-way at the proper time

Driver negligence may also take on several different forms, but it usually involves violating one or more standard rules of the road. Some of the most common ways that drivers operate their vehicles carelessly and negligently include:

  • Failing to yield the right-of-way to other vehicles
  • Failing to use their turn signals
  • Excessive speeding for the prevailing traffic and roadway conditions
  • Failing to use backup cameras, lane change warning devices, and other technology on vehicles
  • Distracted driving
  • Intoxicated driving or DUI
  • Road rage and aggressive driving

If you sustained injuries in a car crash that resulted from another driver’s negligence, you might be eligible to recover various types of monetary damages in your case. Our team could help you take the necessary legal action against the responsible driver’s insurance company and begin pursuing the full monetary damages you need for your injuries.


Common Injuries that Happen in Car Crashes

Car accidents may lead to various injuries, depending upon the type of accident that occurs, as well as the accident victim’s bodily movements inside their vehicle during the crash. In a particularly forceful accident, a part of the victim’s body might strike something inside their vehicle, such as the door or headrest, leading to serious injuries and damages.

Some car accident injuries appear in a relatively short amount of time after the accident. Those injuries may include:

  • Bruises, such as from airbag deployment
  • Open lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Muscular sprains and strains
  • Mouth and teeth injuries
  • Eye injuries

However, symptoms of other injuries may not appear until days or even weeks after the car accident. Injuries that might produce delayed symptoms include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Paralysis injuries
  • Traumatic head and brain injuries, such as concussions

To determine the full nature and extent of your car accident injuries, consult a medical provider as quickly as possible. You should consult with your primary care provider or follow up at a hospital emergency room or urgent care facility on the same day as your accident. The medical provider on duty will be able to physically examine you and order the necessary imaging studies, such as MRIs, X-rays, and brain scans, to ascertain the full extent of your injuries. That way, your medical provider can prescribe appropriate follow-up medical care and treatment. For example, you might need to follow up with an orthopedic doctor or other medical specialist. Additionally, you might need to undergo surgery or other medical procedures, followed by ongoing physical therapy.

By treating as quickly as possible for your injuries, you increase your ability to make a full recovery. Additionally, you show the insurance company that your injuries are serious and that they are deserving of favorable monetary compensation.


Pursuing Monetary Damages after a Car Crash

If you sustained injuries in a car crash due to another driver’s negligence, you want to recover the most monetary compensation possible for your accident-related injuries. The monetary compensation you may recover will depend upon various factors, including whether or not you suffered a permanent injury in your accident and the extent of your medical treatment. Common monetary damages that car crash victims might be eligible to recover, depending upon their injuries, include the following:

  • Related past and future medical expenses
  • Mental distress
  • Loss of spousal consortium
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Lost wages
  • Lost quality of life
  • Lifetime care costs
  • Permanent disfigurement or disability
  • Loss of use of a body part


Call an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer in Indiana as Soon as Possible

If you suffered physical injuries in a car crash, the skilled legal team at Blackburn Romey is ready to assist you with every aspect of your case. Our legal team could aggressively pursue settlement negotiations with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

We could also file a timely lawsuit on your behalf and litigate your case through the court system if the insurance company does not compensate you fairly for your injuries. Throughout the process, we will answer all of your legal questions and help you make informed decisions every step of the way.

For a free case evaluation and legal consultation with an experienced Indiana car accident lawyer, please call us at 219-769-7415 or immediately contact us online.

Tom Blackburn

Blackburn Romey founding partner Tom Blackburn graduated with honors receiving a degree from Indiana University at the Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Initiating his legal career in 1977, he has been active in practicing law and currently serves as a member of the Indiana State Bar Association on the Ethics and Advertising Committees, the American Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, as a board member at the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, and as an appointed member of the Executive Committee for the State of Indiana for the National Trial Lawyers Association.

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