Nunc rhoncus commodo libero, quis cursus urna vulputate in. Nullam ullamcorper neque lectus, at porttitor corper mauris, a lobortis velit. Donec rutrum metus at quam scelerisque, sed dignim tellus semper. Ut porttitor metus ut ligula luctus, a tempor nisl vulputate. Morbi dictum, lorem congue congue maus eros ante tincidunt nisi, luctus consectetur quam justo vitae massabut ultrices posuere cubilia curae.
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Donec tristique lectus vel tristique sollicitudin. Curabitur tincidunt risus in dolor ultrices finibus. Sed vestibulum ante ipsum, vel condimentum sem ornare et. Cras nec nisl non diam lobortis pharetra venenatis et urna. Aenean quis mauris et ante mollis ultrices ut id ex. Etiam quam libero, commodo ac tellus sit amet, vestibulum porttitor eros. Sed mauris ligula, viverra ac tristique vel, suscipit in erat. Proin ornare augue sed faucibus lacinia. Donec non lobortis nisl. Curabitur ac ex sit amet orci aliquet viverra eget non nunc. Maecenas luctus hendrerit risus, sed scelerisque tellus. Nam tellus mi, venenatis sed tellus at, interdum rhoncus est.
Donec tristique lectus vel tristique sollicitudin. Curabitur tincidunt risus in dolor ultrices finibus. Sed vestibulum ante ipsum, vel condimentum sem ornare et. Cras nec nisl non diam lobortis pharetra venenatis et urna. Aenean quis mauris et ante mollis ultrices ut id ex. Etiam quam libero, commodo ac tellus sit amet, vestibulum porttitor eros. Sed mauris ligula, viverra ac tristique vel, suscipit in erat. Proin ornare augue sed faucibus lacinia. Donec non lobortis nisl. Curabitur ac ex sit amet orci aliquet viverra eget non nunc. Maecenas luctus hendrerit risus, sed scelerisque tellus. Nam tellus mi, venenatis sed tellus at, interdum rhoncus est.
Donec tristique lectus vel tristique sollicitudin. Curabitur tincidunt risus in dolor ultrices finibus. Sed vestibulum ante ipsum, vel condimentum sem ornare et. Cras nec nisl non diam lobortis pharetra venenatis et urna. Aenean quis mauris et ante mollis ultrices ut id ex. Etiam quam libero, commodo ac tellus sit amet, vestibulum porttitor eros. Sed mauris ligula, viverra ac tristique vel, suscipit in erat. Proin ornare augue sed faucibus lacinia. Donec non lobortis nisl. Curabitur ac ex sit amet orci aliquet viverra eget non nunc. Maecenas luctus hendrerit risus, sed scelerisque tellus. Nam tellus mi, venenatis sed tellus at, interdum rhoncus est.
Maecenas porta commodo finibus. Nunc consectetur eu orci llicitudin Duis rhoncus dui in nulla hendrerit viverra vitae nec ipsumnare, in imperdiet velit lacinia. Integer ut elementum justo, et consequat lectus. Proin erat nibh, feugiat quis facilisis v, iaculis vel nislturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Chad Romey
Blackburn Romey founding partner Tom Blackburn graduated with honors receiving a degree from Indiana University at the Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Initiating his legal career in 1977, he has been active in practicing law and currently serves as a member of the Indiana State Bar Association on the Ethics and Advertising Committees, the American Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, as a board member at the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, and as an appointed member of the Executive Committee for the State of Indiana for the National Trial Lawyers Association.
Quisque quis ullamcorper mauris, a lobortis velit. Donec rutrum metus at quam scelerisque, sed dignim tellus semper. Ut porttitor metus ut ligula luctus, a tempor nisl vulputabi dicturem congue congue maus eros ante tincidunt consectetur quam justo vitae massprimis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae.
Aenean iaculis risus lorem. Maecenas tincidunt sed tellus in aliquam. Donec vitae velit eget libero consectetur volutpat sed sed diam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed nec iaculis purus. Quisque ac lacus in arcu posuere placerat at ornare lacus. Vestibulum ultrices pellentesque nisi in viverra.
Fusce facilisis semper lectus et ornare. Vestibulum blandit libero id dignissim tincidunt. Quisque vel efficitur massa. Integer pretium turpis a nunc fermentum euismod. Nunc id ex cursus, pellentesque orci ut, volutpat augue. Duis purus magna, mollis et dignissim quis, ultrices at quam. Aenean sem nisi, sollicitudin lacinia turpis eget, dictum finibor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
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Quisque quis ullamcorper mauris, a lobortis velit. Donec rutrum metus at quam scelerisque, sed dignim tellus semper. Ut porttitor metus ut ligula luctus, a tempor nisl vulputabi dicturem congue congue maus eros ante tincidunt consectetur quam justo vitae massprimis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Donec et sapien dui. Integer tellus tellus, euismod sed ante at, dapibus mollis nulla. Sed consequat magna ac leo lobortis, sit amet eleifend ante consequada ligula quis, accumsan sem. Nullam eu porttitor odio.
Phasellus venenatis, nisl non consequat bibendum, quam ligula tincidunt enim, id scelerisque tortor ligula vitae lorem. Morbi urna ligula, tincidunt vitae neque eu, hendrerit luctus dolor. Pellentesque laoreet, felis bibendum fringilla efficitur, dolor nulla auctor velit, sit amet lobortis mauris purus nec ligula. In mollis ultrices ligula, in rhoncus ex condimentum eget. Duis ultrices mi ac elit ornare, a faucibus lorem volutpat. Donec ultricies purus id tortor dignissim dapibus. Proin nec ex in odio vestibulum pulvinar non a arcu.
Aenean magna nibh, porttitor in urna non, maximus ultrices diam. Quisque nec aliquet est. Nunc quis commodo erat, vel blandit arcu. Maecenas et fringilla tellus, mattis mattis eros. Vestibulum hendrerit, turpis quis efficitur cursus, elit tellus vestibulum nisl, ut hendrerit diam odio placerat neque. Aliquam mi justo, consequat in nulla vitae, mattis congue diam. Phasellus semper nec massa in ornare. Mauris ullamcorper sapien at justo sagittis fermentum. Cras suscipit libero ligula. Ut rhoncus purus ac odio placerat, non ultrices nisl fringilla. Aenean iaculis risus lorem. Maecenas tincidunt sed tellus in aliquam. Donec vitae velit eget libero consectetur volutpat sed sed diam.
or call us at
Quisque quis ullamcorper mauris, a lobortis velit. Donec rutrum metus at quam scelerisque, sed dignim tellus semper. Ut porttitor metus ut ligula luctus, a tempor nisl vulputabi dicturem congue congue maus eros ante tincidunt consectetur quam justo vitae massprimis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Donec et sapien dui. Integer tellus tellus, euismod sed ante at, dapibus mollis nulla. Sed consequat magna ac leo lobortis, sit amet eleifend ante consequada ligula quis, accumsan sem. Nullam eu porttitor odio.
Phasellus venenatis, nisl non consequat bibendum, quam ligula tincidunt enim, id scelerisque tortor ligula vitae lorem. Morbi urna ligula, tincidunt vitae neque eu, hendrerit luctus dolor. Pellentesque laoreet, felis bibendum fringilla efficitur, dolor nulla auctor velit, sit amet lobortis mauris purus nec ligula. In mollis ultrices ligula, in rhoncus ex condimentum eget. Duis ultrices mi ac elit ornare, a faucibus lorem volutpat. Donec ultricies purus id tortor dignissim dapibus. Proin nec ex in odio vestibulum pulvinar non a arcu.
Quisque vitae accumsan tortor. Phasellus ut velit finibus, tincidunt arcu ut, feugiat ipsum. Nunc ac consectetur nisi. Aenean magna nibh, porttitor in urna non, maximus ultrices diam. Quisque nec aliquet est. Nunc quis commodo erat, vel blandit arcu. Maecenas et fringilla tellus, mattis mattis eros. Vestibulum hendrerit, turpis quis efficitur cursus, elit tellus vestibulum nisl, ut hendrerit diam odio placerat neque. Aliquam mi justo, consequat in nulla vitae, mattis congue diam. Phasellus semper nec massa in ornare.
If someone else was negligent and caused your injuries, you could have a valid claim for compensation. We can listen to what happened and evaluate whether you have a claim during your free case assessment.
Claim values vary widely based on a variety of factors, including (but not limited to), severity (and permanency) of the injuries, length of recovery, medical bills, the type of health insurance coverage you have, whether or not you are partially at fault for the accident, the quality of insurance covering the at-fault party, the county where the accident occurred, the identity of the at-fault party, among many others. As you can see, it is not a simple process to determine the value of your case, and sometimes it is not a quick process either. Some of these things take time to develop. We would need to assess your situation and losses to advise you on the possible value of your case.
Many people think they can save money by handling an injury claim on their own. In fact, many of our clients come to the initial meeting in our office with an offer from the insurance company already in hand. Getting an offer isn’t hard; getting the RIGHT offer is the key. However, the right attorney can often significantly increase the amount of your recovery, so it is worth it to seek help from our experienced attorneys.
Hiring our firm requires no payment up front, and you will never pay fees unless we settle your case or secure a jury verdict. Then, payment comes from your settlement – never out of your own pocket.
We have decades of experience focusing exclusively on personal injury and wrongful death claims. Please refer to our practice area page. While this list isn’t exhaustive, it does show the types of cases we most commonly see. If we feel another lawyer is better suited for your type of case, we will happily point you in the right direction.
While most cases settle without going through a jury trial, our lawyers have spent significant time in the courtroom. Before hiring a lawyer, make sure to ask if they have jury trial experience.
If you or someone you love was recently injured in a motor vehicle accident, you can count on the Indiana car accident lawyers at Blackburn Romey.
Let our dedicated team of Indiana truck accident lawyers at Blackburn Romey handle your accident case for you. We meticulously investigate truck collisions.
Our experienced Indiana motorcycle accident lawyers can help those injured in motorcycle accidents to get the compensation they deserve.
After losing a loved one, there are many emotions to process and matters to figure out. You can count on our reputable Indiana wrongful death lawyers for help during this difficult time.
Having our experienced Indiana construction accident attorneys on your side, you can count on fierce and knowledgeable advocates who will stand up for your rights.
Our compassionate Indiana dog bite attorneys know how frightening and harmful a dog bite can be and are ready to pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
If you were recently injured in a slip and fall accident, it’s time to get an Indiana Slip & Fall Lawyer on your side by contacting Blackburn Romey today.
If you or someone you love was recently injured in a bicycle accident, please know that the Indiana bicycle accident attorneys at Blackburn Romey are here for you.
The Indiana Brain Injury Lawyers of Blackburn Romey are ready to represent brain injury victims and seek the compensation they deserve.
Our Indiana spinal cord injury attorneys handle complex and high-value cases, and we are ready to help.